Carosh will provide all levels of services and support in the implementation and maintenance of your HIPAA/HITECH compliance program. Service level is described independently and estimated independently. However, each service level is dependent on each other for overall success.
This planning and facilitation service level begins the process and is therefore the most important to a successful implementation. Careful thought must be put into which operational areas, and service offerings need to comply with the requirements of HIPAA/HITECH. The goal is to identify those areas that will be impacted, and those, if any, that need not comply with the requirements of HIPAA/HITECH. Care must be taken to assure that these two areas do not bleed together, resulting in a weakened defense when you experience a breach of client PHI. Carosh has substantial experience with the processes involved in planning successful HIPAA/HITECH compliance programs, in complex organizations.
Carosh will facilitate meetings to determine and clarify:
– What are your obligations under HIPAA/HITECH,
– Business Processes, Product and Service Lines that may require compliance with HIPAA/HITECH regulations,
– Extent and function of Business Associate relationships, including specific services provided,
– Training needs across multiple functional groups,
– Extent of internal assets to develop launch and manage training requirements under HIPAA/HITECH,
– Extent of internal assets and configuration to comply with document management requirements under HIPAA/HITECH, and
– Development of timeline and tasks to develop and implement HIPAA/HITECH compliance program.
The subsequent phase is the Security Risk Assessment phase, we will update the security and risk assessment required under HIPAA/HITECH. This risk assessment needs to be conducted under a protocol similar to that described in the NIST’ (National Institute of Standards and Technology) Special Paper 800-30.
The results of the Security Risk Assessment are used to generate a new and required Remediation Plan. Following the approval of the remediation plan, you will need to implement the Remediation Plan, making “meaningful progress” towards compliance.
Carosh will conduct the Security Risk Assessment, auditing business processes, policies and procedures, document retention programs, and training programs to assess compliance with the requirements of HIPAA/HITECH. With the completed Risk Assessment, Carosh will construct the prioritized remediation plan, and present it to management for approval.
Carosh will work with you to achieve compliance under HIPAA/HITECH and will attest that you have conducted the required Security Risk assessment, has constructed the required Remediation Plan, and is making “meaningful progress” in remediating any identified deficiencies. To do so, Carosh will work on the remediation of deficiencies and implementation of all policies and procedures, business processes document management and training.
As part of this service, Carosh will conduct quarterly reviews and updates to all aspects of the compliance program to ensure continued compliance and continued attestation to compliance of your obligations under the HIPAA/HITECH regulations.
Carosh will routinely review and provide training within the contest of the HIPAA/HITECH compliance program. This routine review and on-going training are at the core of a maintaining HIPAA/HITECH compliance. When a suspected breach occurs, you, under the Final Omnibus Rules which went into effect in January 2013, obligated to assess the extent and impact of the breach. Depending on the result of this assessment, different reporting requirements are triggered.
In the event an actual breach has occurred, or you are audited as part of the Office of Civil Rights’ (“OCR”) ongoing random audit program, specific protocols will be triggered to demonstrate to OCR, your compliance with the requirements of HIPAA/HITECH. As part of Carosh’s Program, Carosh will stand by you, guiding you through the process of working with both suspected breaches and with OCR during a breach investigation.
To assure continued compliance with the requirements under HIPAA/HITECH, the tasks presented above need to be reviewed and updated on a routine basis. The Security Risk Assessment and Remediation Plan need to be reviewed and updated; (i) periodically, (ii) after a move to a different physical location, and (iii) when a material change in operation or operating procedures occurs.